Thanks for this - it fills out some of my scant literary knowledge. Though am I alone in finding Wuthering heights a weird disorientating read. I've tried twice and can't get past the first few chapters. Austen I devoured.

The point I wanted to make, though, is that I don't think your diligence, while I appreciate it, will matter much for those who want to drink the kool-aid. The key thing to note is that the gender ideology crowd are bullshitters in the formal Frankfurtian sense- they are not lying because that stance would at least attend to the truth, they don't care about the truth at all.

As someone who has done a lot of such myth busting in various comment forums around biological sex, indigenous gender identities, ahistorical trans histories I am sensing the futility of it all. When people don't care about the truth, cataloguing it seems almost like a pointless esoteric hobby.

But I commend your forum and asserting a strong stance in a captured industry. I know many people are working for the cause of truth and applaud their efforts.

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It is to erase women's history and struggles to suggest and promote, if that is what is happening at the Bronte museum, that the Brontes were trans. It's an absolute disgrace, a betrayal and waste of public money. I've come across that suggestion before that George Eliot was trans. You will always get people who are, lets face it, a bit stupid and make a virtue of their ignorance, but these days they seem to be rewarded.

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